AngelFire rehearsing for Gwyneth Fair
Kelley performing at McPherson Square Park
Lauren performing at McPherson Square Park
& Merch at Countryside
Signing autographs at Round Hill
Seated on the Stage at Round Hill
Dancing with young fans at First Night Leesburg 2001
Kelley and Sarah singing at Hard Rock Cafe
By Chanz in Planet Club dressing room
Sarah and Kelley performing at City High show
posing in front of Times Square Virgin Record Store
the Clear Static Performance
posing with Clear Static
Rule on TEEN PEOPLE “What’s Next?” Event Stage
Alicia Keys performing at “What’s Next?” Event
What pop stars wear when not working
By Chanz on stage at SterlingFest
By Chanz mom's sellin' the merch
Kelley and Sarah on stage at SterlingFest
By Chanz fans crowd the front of the SterlingFest stage
Lauren on SterlingFest stage with fan, Lindsay
Kelley and Lauren singing while sitting on SterlingFest stage
Kelley on SterlingFest stage alone
Lauren sitting on SterlingFest stage
Ernesto Phillips at Pearl Studios
Lauren and Kelley at 21st Street Studios
Kelley Recording at 21st Street Studios
Lauren Recording at 21st Street Studios
Kelley at the piano at 21st Studios
Kelley Scating at Loudoun Country Day School
Sarah, Lauren & Kelley on stage at Loudoun Country Day School
Lauren seated singing at Loudoun Country Day School
Sarah, Lauren & Kelley Hugging at LAX Splash 2001
Sarah on Stage at LAX Splash 2001
Lauren on LAX Splash 2001 stage
By Chanz performs at 2:K:9 Club
Lauren raps at The Upper Room of Leesburg
Kelley and Sarah at Leesburg's Upper Room
Move Over Dream, Here comes By Chanz
Chanz in
costumes for The Planet Club shows